Happy November!

A new month, a new list!

For those who followed my blogs in October, you read about the list of things I developed to trigger happiness in my daily life. What I didn’t write about in a blog, I posted on Twitter. There was the night I baked apples – Yum! And a splendid Indian summer afternoon I went walking in the park – So Quiet! One rainy Saturday night, I curled up in a blanket with my cup of cocoa and mellowed while watching a delightful movie. My girlfriend and I were giggling shysters as we snuck around in the dark delivering a Boo-Gram to a sweet 8 year old girl.  And I hammed it up wearing my rainbow colored wig on Halloween – anyone for trick or treat?

Here’s the thing. I know I can’t be happy all the time, but what I can do is strive to be happy most of the time. The key is seeking it on purpose and actually noticing the joy as it happens. For example, I’m happy when I am rested, inspired and full of energy. I get a huge sense of satisfaction when I help someone and make their day. So without any further ado, here’s my happiness list for November.

1. Sleep-in Sunday!
2. Buy or make at least one Christmas present.
3. Give a compliment to someone who provides a service to you in some way.
4. Use the good dishes!
5. Drop off some canned dog and or cat food at a shelter.
6. Count your blessings. (Thanksgiving Thursday)
7. Read a good book.
8. Pizza night!
9. Catch a local event.
10. Take a walk in the gentle rain.

Are you game to join in the fun? Never say never. Choose to do one or more activities from my list in your own way, or come up with your own and let’s share in the joy! 🙂  Happy November.

7 thoughts on “Happy November!

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  1. I totally did #3 tonight at our local Subway. The guy who occasionally is there in the early afternoons when I go in was working late tonight. He always does such a good job – is very earnest and dedicated (to making a Subway sandwich). I can tell he takes a great deal of pride in getting you what you ordered. I told him that I really appreciated his work, and that he always is so professional and respectful.

    …and tonight I’m working on my Tuesday Thanksgiving post 😉


  2. Starting a month with a Happiness List is absolute genius! People talk about counting or remembering or listing blessings to change one’s mood (“Gratitude is an attitude” and all that). Doing it before the rough patches on the road of life is a great way to have the detour route handy.

    I also appreciate that you admit you aren’t happy all of the time, but you make the effort to look for happiness opportunities. That’s a life well-lived right there.

    Great post. Thank you for writing it.


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