
“Dennis tells me Erin is getting married,” said Jim, dropping the grocery bag onto the counter.

“Oh Veronica must be thrilled,” said Gladys. “She’s had her daughter’s grandiose wedding planned for years.”

 “Apparently Erin’s all upset about it. She and Jason want a simple ceremony on Blueberry Hill where they met.”

 “And so they should,” huffed Gladys grabbing her purse. “Laws, somebody had better set Veronica straight. Clearly she’s forgotten the most important thing.”

 “What’s that?”

 “Erin’s happiness.” The kitchen door banged behind her.  

 “I found my thrill…” crooned Jim and headed for the study with an impish grin. 


I wrote this in response to Charli Mills’ August 10, 2017 Flash Fiction Challenge. In 99 words (no more, no less) create a story that includes music and berries. And as always, she suggests we go where the prompt leads us.

The first thing that came into my mind was the song, “Blueberry Hill”. And I felt the two characters that would be familiar with the tune were Gladys and Jim. I’m pleased they returned. You can check out some of their other stories here and here.

‘Blueberry Hill’ was written by Vincent Rose, Al Lewis and Larry Stock in 1940. It was part of an American western sound track ‘The Singing Hill’ and sung by Gene Autry in the movie. It did not become an international hit until Fats Domino recorded it in 1956 and in 2011 it was ranked #82 in Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.


9 thoughts on “Meddling

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  1. Lovely flash, Kate. I hope Erin does get to do things her way. Will Veronica and Gladys still be friends?
    Thanks for the history of “Blueberry Hill”. I thought of it straight away too, but I always associate it with Richie Cunningham on “Happy Days”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Norah! I love leaving questions for your imagination to muse about. The only thing I know for sure is that will be good. 🙂 I’m hope to skip over to your site later as I really liked your clever post and flash this week.

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    1. Hubby and I were talking about the same question: who started the meddling? Could it have been Dennis, or was it Jim or Gladys. Either way it makes for fun speculation. 🙂

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